Empowering Healthy Eating in Navajo Students Through School Gardens


The results of the study demonstrated an improvement in the students’ self-confidence related to consuming fruits and vegetables, known as self-efficacy, which is a crucial predictor of dietary choices. However, the study did not observe a significant change in the student’s confidence regarding growing food at home. While the increased self-efficacy is an achievement, it must be noted that other measures of dietary habits, such as the diversity of food intake, frequency of engaging in activities that promote healthy eating, and tendencies to snack on less nutritious foods, showed only modest improvements. This inconsistency raises important questions about how to create more profound and enduring changes in dietary habits and what mechanisms can sustain these healthier choices over time. It is also worth noting that the intervention appeared to have a stronger impact on certain segments of students, like younger children and those who already had a healthy weight, although these findings require additional research to be confirmed.

The study supports the idea that school-based initiatives can lead to better eating habits, especially in underserved communities. The progress made in boosting self-efficacy for healthy eating are commendable, even if the intervention did not address all dietary issues. The research team recognizes the need for a broader application of the intervention, which includes adapting the curriculum to align with educational standards in New Mexico and Arizona and ensuring sustainability within the school systems. Such adjustments aim to transition the program from research to everyday practice, maintaining its effectiveness over time. The significance of this study also lies in its attention to the dietary and cultural needs of indigenous children. Few interventions target this demographic with such tailored and culturally aware approaches. Created with and for the Navajo people, the program reflects their values and dietary traditions. The findings have paved the way for further exploration into how the curriculum can be better woven into Navajo educational standards and what steps are necessary for its broader application.

This initiative is more than a diet change; it’s an example of how research can be meaningfully conducted with respect to a community’s unique culture. It stands as a testament to the importance of culturally relevant interventions and the power of community partnership in driving health innovation. It’s an affirmation that with the right approach, significant strides can be made toward the health and well-being of children in the Navajo Nation and potentially, for indigenous communities worldwide. The project’s success was largely due to the close community connections with Navajo Nation facilitated by Dr. Lombard and colleagues at both NMSU and Diné College, that included the full partnership of Navajo colleagues, many of whom contributed as authors.


Read More: Empowering Healthy Eating in Navajo Students Through School Gardens

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