What do readers want to know about this year?


We can help guide you about how to create an inviting gardening space.

In our weekly gardening column, almost any garden-related topic is fair game. In the past, we have explored how to grow vegetables, fruits and herbs in the home garden, whether you have a large in-ground garden, a raised bed, or just a couple of pots on your porch. 

We also like to cover home landscape topics such as lawn maintenance, tree and shrub selection and care and, of course, flowers. Any kind of flowering plants!

Mike Hogan

Gardeners are also environmentalists, so our weekly column sometimes addresses topics that help gardeners and homeowners improve the environmental sustainability of their gardens and home landscapes. This includes how to control pests such as insects and diseases without causing detrimental effects on natural resources such as water, soil, water and air.


Read More: What do readers want to know about this year?

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